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Monday, February 21, 2011

the artistic part in me

we were discussing on the term 'modernization', when suddenly the topic of ART just popped out. Dr Yedullah asked "what is art?". i was having fun watching others made their attempts to answer his question, and at the same time recalling the same question asked by julia roberts to her students in Mona Lisa Smile (sempat lagi. haha); then dr yedullah threw a question to me:

dr Y: "when was the last time you have ever make a poem?"
me: "during my secondary school" (i suddenly realized that i lied. the last time was during my fourth year studies in Kuantan. mona n k marlina should know this very well. haha)

science vs art
i remembered during my childhood years, mak selalu beli children science encyclopedia. masa sekolah rendah, majalah tunas sains, rakan sains memang akan dilanggan. my siblings n i were having fun reading all that kind of materials. segala unsur-unsur science n math akan diserap dengan sesungguhnya oleh mak.

when i was in standard 6, mak start hantar pergi tusyen kelas lukisan. yes, lukisan! di saat2 orang lain berpusu-pusu hantar anak-anak mereka ke tusyen sains, matematik, english, etc, aku belajar melukis dengan cikgu salmah (kawan sekolah mak). mungkin sebab mak pun suka all those artistic things. this is where it all begins. terkial-kial masa mula-mula pegang berus. nak melukis kena banyak bersabar. lagi-lagi kalau tangan keras macam batu. (p/s: kalau ada anak-anak yang jenis tak sabar, cuba masukkan dalam kelas lukisan. a very good therapy for them). then masa form 3, start masuk pertandingan dan bergiat aktif buat mural kat sekolah, but it all ended masa masuk kisas. dah jarang2 sangat pegang berus. konon-konon busy sangat belajar sains. otak kananku dizalimi. huhu

masa kat uia kuantan, di saat bersungguhan buat 'last minute' revision, bila dah penat sangat, tiba-tiba aku akan panggil k marlina n mona keluar bilik untuk dengar aku baca sajak. hahahaha. this is funny! not to forget, waktu exam la jugak keluarnya idea untuk buat design2 baru for our cuppies. mona kata, "awak guna otak kiri banyak sangat, otak kanan awak meronta-ronta la tu untuk digunakan". mona sangat bijak to come out with this theory.

arts and wealth
dr yedullah kata: richness of a culture depends on the richness of the meanings of your life. and art gives meanings into your life. from a very relative meaning of richness, i could simply say that oils buried under the soil will not make you rich. high tech instruments will not make you rich. your nation's richness simply lies upon a poem created by a naive girl expressing her thoughts while developing her wisdoms.

integration of science and art
i wish i could be excel in both science and art. boleh jadi macam ibnu sina, ibnu khaldun, al farabi, n ramai lagi tokoh-tokoh islam zaman dulu kala. who says art must have to be in specialty? why science has to be so confined that only the science people can talk about it? n why must art people refuse to understand the world using all those scientific laws, which eventually leads us to glorify the greatness of Allah's creation, thus make us pious? n why kpt n jpa refuse to sponsor these art programs compared to other 'glamorous' fields like medicine, laws, economics, etc? (taktau nak classify law n econs as art or tak. hehe)

we have both science and art senses in us. it's sunnatullah. semoga berjaya menjadi hamba Allah terbaik dengan memaksimakan segala potensi.

i'm an artistic scientist! ^_^

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Book series

1. What i believe by Tariq Ramadhan

i grabbed this book during my 'jalan-jalan' day with my friend, hafizah last month at Kino, KLCC. the price can afford 10 lunch meals for me. (kedekut tahap gajah sebab all expenses fully sponsored by family.hehe.) however, the excitement i felt whenever every page was flipped worth every penny spent.

i was having quite a hard time to finish reading this book, though it's not that thick. sometimes i really need to read the text repeatedly to clearly understand the author's idea. Nevertheless, very well worth the effort. i became more excited when i reflect some of his idea and relate it with my philosophy lecturer's kind of thought in the class.

the author, Tariq Ramadhan, is the grandson of imam Hasan al-Banna (Ikhwanul Muslimin). as the author mentioned himself, this book is a perfect introduction for those who are just beginning to understand his kind of thoughts, rather than 'googling' about him in the internet.

happy reading everyone!

p/s: going to have fun reading John steinbeck's piece of work. kena gelak ngan busyra sebab amik master tapi baca buku kanak-kanak. haha

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

hidup yang sementara...

sudah lama tidak mengunjungi kawasan perkuburan. kalau di kuantan dulu, dalam perjalanan ke jhc, pasti akan melalui satu kawasan perkuburan islam. sambil-sambil layan blues dan mata menjeling ke luar bas, hati akan mula terdetik untuk mengucapkan salam dan menyedekahkan al-fatihah serta sedikit doa agar dipermudahkan urusan para muslimun itu di alam kubur.

bersabarlah duhai sahabat...
semalam dikejutkan dengan kembalinya ibunda nur hidayah hussin ke rahmatullah. sedikit terkejut kerana ziarahku yang terakhir menampakkan perkembangan kesihatannya yang baik setelah menjalani pembedahan. walaupun hanya sekali aku berpeluang mencurah bakti dengan melakukan 'dressing' pada luka bedahnya, pemergian makcik Jamaliah memberi kesan yang agak mendalam. semoga Allah menempatkan allahyarham di kalangan orang2 yang soleh.

mati itu pasti
regardless of the severe abdominal pain, aku gagahkan jugak langkah untuk ke rumah hidayah. setelah selesai solat jenazah, together with diah, n khuzairi untuk ke kawasan perkuburan. diah kata: "nanti semua orang mesti datang kat sini jugak kan?" tiba-tiba diselubungi ketakutan yang amat sangat. keseorangan menjawab segala persoalan munkar dan nakir. soalan-soalan yang tidak boleh dihafal jawapannya seperti menjawab peperiksaan2 yang biasa.

jom sama-sama persiapkan diri menuju mati. mati itu pasti. tiada siapa mampu larikan diri. tinggalkan semua harta, pangkat dan segala yang dikasihi. hanya amal kebaikan yang membantu nanti.