alhamdulillah. the 'catastrophic' part of submitting the research report finally ended. 2 weeks of having low quality of sleep really impaired our overall wellbeing. berkejearan ke hilir dan ke hulu, gara-gara the last minute Iraqian format. haha. my dear juniors, beware eh.
off to kelantan...
having a very pleasant sleep along the journey. hihi. very nice. totally not in the mood of going to kelantan for this oncology posting, apatah lagi kelelahan menyiapkan research masih belum hilang. HUSM memang sangat best. very peaceful indeed, compared to HTAA. menarik, except when it comes to the part tak paham apa yang orang2 kelantan itu bicarakan. hanya perkataan 'deh' yang bisa ditangkap. hihi.
sedih. tak bersemangat. frustrated. but, please, hum! stop dwelling in that frustration. it will keep your eyes shut to the wholeness of the situation. forcing myself to open the eys now. even though i have to bear with all the hardships, just enjoy the pressure. yeah!! (fakhru, 2010).
rabbi yassir wa la tu'assir
4 weeks ago
Sori, tak sempat nak ajak korang datang rumah.
ReplyDeleteSelamat mengutip barakah di bumi Klate
Terus semangat Kham!!! :)
no worries, bro. selamat2. hehe. semangat2!ameen.. kamu jua. semoga terus smgt dengan FYPmu. ^_^