zulhilmi, 7 years old child with cerebral palsy. macam blurr sikit time tu (almaklumlah first time), but we tried so hard to get as much information as we can from the mother. lessons from the visit:
- try dapatkan info tentang rehabilitation of CP children, esp. in Kuantan (sebab beza macam langit dengan bumi if nak compare facilities yang ada kat KL and Kuantan)
- nurses must have complete documentation tentang visit yang diorang dah buat as references in advance (sebab susahnya kitorang nak start all over balik and tak dapat nak tengok progress of development)
- ensure you are very well prepared before the visit (esp. bila bab nak bagi health education. your information must be accurate but yet simple to be understood by the mother)
the second house, amirul syafiq, 6 years old, Down's syndrome child (seriously terhibur dan rasa lebih bersemangat untuk terus hidup, bila jumpa syafiq. haha. tq dik! T_T)

syafiq sangat-sangat bijak. tak tau berapa kali dia salam kitorang, and bila dia cium pipi aku.. huh, tersentuh yang teramat! terharu. paling aku teruja, bila dia sebut kalimah "la ilaha illallah" (before die baling semua mainan yang kitorang pass kat dia. huhu). aku tak berhenti ketawa tengok aksi-aksi comel syafiq. sampai kene baling dengan botol air pun aku still boleh tersenyum and ketawa. huhu. takpe2, syafiq punye pasal. ^_^
they are both different in their own way. that's why i would rather called them "special", in stead of "disable". walaupun kita cukup sifat, hati and jiwa kita mungkin tak cukup kuat, tabah dan sesuci kanak-kanak istimewa ni.
try to have the sense of empathy to hear their inner voices calling for our kind attention and care. sharing is caring. caring is loving. ^_^
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