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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

the power of sleep

"dan dia menjadikan malam sebagai pakaian bagimu dan tidur sebagai istirehat, dan dijadikan siang untuk bertebaran (mencari rezeki)" (al-Furqan: 47)

assignments, presentations, exams n all types of tasks given had somehow affected my sleeping pattern. kalau dulu, after balik meeting (around 12 am)dah terus tidur (tak kesah keje dah siap or belum, tapi agenda tidur tetap berjalan dengan lancar dan selesa. huhu). sekarang dah tak boleh nak buat macam tu. i felt like 24 hours is not enough to fulfill all the 'amanah' given to me. bak kata imam Syafie: al-wajibat aktharu minal auqat (kewajipan itu lebih banyak daripada masa yang ada). so, i end up sacrificing my hours of night's sleep. sedih..~hu

why do i care so much about my sleeping pattern?

"sleep to be sexy, smart and slim"
(focus kat part smart ye. yang lain tu additional sahaja.hihi)

"to some people, the need for sleep is viewed as a sign of weakness. but, what people fail to realize is that; while you're asleep, every system in your is being fine-tuned, reset, cleaned up and restored t its optimal operating mode by an army of molecular trobleshooters. new things you have learned are being processed, memories are being organized abd stored, and the immune system is building a new contingent of natural killer cells to fight off battalions of infectious agents." ~Ellen Michaud~

on th other hands, when you fail to have a 'beauty sleep'. you are more prone to have any of these symptoms (dapat waktu kelas mental health :)):

  • impaired cognitive function
  • mental fatigue
  • impaired memory
  • inability to concentrate
  • perception changes
  • poor judgement
  • symptoms of irritability, withdrawal, susspicion, confusion, disorientation

rasanya macam dah experienced all the symptoms. huhu. paling tak best, when i'm starting to feel groggy and none of my systems are firing on all cylinders. i will not be able to think straight, make good decisions or even to remember where i put all my files and other stuffs (macam orang dementia, luckily k marlina always on my side to remind me of almost everything. tq sis :))

tidur sebagai satu ibadah...

"Hendaklah salah seorang di antara kamu bersolat ketika cergas, dan ketika mengantuk pergilah tidur" - imam bukhari dan muslim

makin banyak tidur, makin segar ke? not necessarily. depends on individual. yang penting, tidur yang berkualiti. nak tidur yang lebih nyenyak? jom kita sama-sama amalkan sunnah Rasulullah s.a.w. yang melakukan qailulah or what is called by the scientist today as "midafternoon quiescent phase' ataupun 'sleeping gate' sebab waktu tengahari dan awal petang badan kita akanjadi lemah dan lesu. simple je. just sleep for about 20 to 30 minutes during the noon, tapi akan rasa segar sepanjang siang n tidur yang lebih nyenyak dan 'lazat' di malam hari... nyum..nyum


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