Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers

Sunday, July 11, 2010

buatmu si kacak!

already resigned yesterday as yusuf n yasir's official 'bibik'. am going to miss singing the chuggington, mickeymouse clubhouse and my friends tigger n pooh theme song together with yusuf (cik humm dia yg over kot. hehe). not to forget their favourite lullaby -la ilahaillah zikr, introduced by iqah, as well as the educational visit to my mom's mini garden in front of the house (sebab yusuf merengek-rengek nak tengok meow. huhu)

farewell treat
enough babbling. i made this for my two favourite heroes (of course with yasir's help in ensuring the kitchen is messy enough for her aunt to cook with full of distraction. notty! ^_^)

tadaaa! fettucini cabonara for the adorable boys ^_^
p/s: of course tak boleh lawan mona. hehe. going to start a new career tomorrow. berdebar ^_^


  1. selamat bkerja dengan jayanye..gudluck!! =)

  2. kerjaya apa besok? kilang tu dah panggil awak ke?? huhu all the best! ;)

  3. humm keje pe tu? kilang?? nway,selamat keje:)

  4. bukan kilang roti yang ku idam2kan itu. hehe. kat kedai farmasi. ^_^

  5. huhu... congrats hummy... pasni mesti terer bab ubat-ubatan nih =)

  6. ameen. thanks didi. rasa mcm dungu sikit dok kt kedai tu mula2.ubat2 byk sgt. pening. hihi. ni baru nk berjinak-jinak. wishing u all the best.. be tough, dear! ^_^. semoga Allah kurniakan ketenangan buat awak kat sana.

  7. all the best people! all the best to me as well. nampak gayanya humm. kita and k mar amek cita2 awak tu pulak. hehe.

  8. alamak. which one? keje kilang roti ke? or korang dah kembangkan bisnes cuppies kepada roti pula? wuwuwuwu. jeles...
