my first entry for this year, 2010. too many things happened that really struck my emotions, n eventually leaving me too exhausted to scribble down in this blog. bak kata orang, some things are better left unsaid. daripada cakap or tulis anything that will annoy other people, lebih baik diam, right? hihi.
back to school again!
it was so fascinating. sungguh seronok dapat kembali ke sekolah. one night experience in Maahad Kajang, was truly amazing. alhamdulillah, berjaya collect 160 samples in less than 2 hours. thanks a lot to adik farah n hafizuddin yang bertungkus lumus melayan kerenah kakak yang seorang ni. A.hud jugak sebab setia menunggu di dalam kereta. hihi. God Bless!
finally the hardships of collecting the data in SMK Bandar Baru Bangi ended yesterday. fuh, sungguh penat berulang alik dari kuantan ke bangi (pura-pura penat, sebenarnya seronok yang lebih). paling seronok bila guna alasan collect data untuk balik rumah. "eh, hum balik lagi?" common question asked to me. skema jawapan:"a'ah, nak collect data (sambil buat muka kasihan, dan serba salah, walhal dalam hati sangat gembira yang tak terkata ^_^)"
despite all the money that i had spent untuk balik (owh, sudah hampir pokai), i really enjoy this whole thing of going to the schools.
i am not done yet
there are still plenty of things to be done. but yet, the time left is so limited. after this, the catastrophic part (na'uzubillah) of analyzing the data will begin. huhu. semoga segala urusan dipermudahkanNya.
p/s: will be going back to kuantan tomorrow. kemalasan melanda. *_*
1 week ago